+++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++ Special issue +++
2050 – A Look at the Post-Digital Age
Connectivity, the principle of networks based on digital infrastructure, is one of the most influential trends of our time. It promotes social and economic change and marks a new chapter in the evolution of humanity. Digital communication technologies are fundamentally changing our lives and creating new behaviour patterns. This means that connectivity is not just a technological but a social and cultural process.
The Megatrend
of Connectivity
How digital networks and artificial intelligence will shape the society of tomorrow
The connective future will be defined by the alliance between humankind and machine, since humans and machines are more successful working as a team. In 2050, our everyday lives are shaped by the interaction of artificial and human intelligence. A profound cultural change has taken hold: Instead of a perfectionist culture that condems errors, a new flexibility is required of us, not only tolerating mistakes but welcoming them as a source of innovation. We will learn from and together with machines.
The Connective Network Economy
Business after the digital revolution
The megatrend of connectivity describes the dominant pattern of economic and social change in the 21st century. The connective economy differs from the economy of the 20th century, like electricity differs from mechanics.
Complexity Needs Simplexity
Finding one’s way in the digital labyrinth
The increase in complexity due to various interconnected devices creates a growing need for interfaces that meet the principle of simplexity: Interfaces that ensure simple and intuitive access to complex technological applications – such as virtual assistants using natural language processing that work more intuitively than keyboard and mouse.
A New Culture of Innovation
Learning to fail with connective intelligence
In the age of connective intelligence, innovation must be thought of more holistically – economically, socially and individually. It is important to recognize that the digital transformation is not only about technological innovations but is driven by social resonance. Increased connectedness makes basic human needs such as trust and security even more critical for business models and the design of products and services. Innovations can neither be prescribed nor planned – but one thing is clear: they depend on creativity and collaboration.
The Connective Society
of 2050
Brave new world? On the interaction between humans and machine
What is technologically feasible will not necessarily prove to be useful. Technologies are always connected with cultural techniques and social values and entangled in social, political, and ethical frameworks. In the connective society of 2050 the digital and the analogue will merge into one another. Instead of being an end in itself, technology will respond to people's needs and encourage their participation. This new interaction between man and machine will shape our lives in 2050.
A Dystopia — the Superhuman
With the help of huge amounts of data, smart software, and superfast computers, Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, wants to make humans immortal. According to Kurzweil, tiny nano-robots will make the immune system invincible in the future. Diseases will no longer stand a chance. Historian Yuval Noah Harari also predicts an upgrade to the human race.

22 min 51 s
“The more diversity we feed the machine, the better its reactions to the unexpected will be. That means we need the input of everyone.”
Hans-Christian Boos
Founder of arago & CTO at Wisekey
19 min 41 s
“We need to think of innovation as not in a vacuum – not innovation for innovation’s sake, but innovation in the service of a goal.”
Nicole Büttner
Founder & CEO Merantix Labs
Digital Leader for Europe at World Economic Forum

19 min 41 s
“We need to think of innovation as not in a vacuum – not innovation for innovation’s sake, but innovation in the service of a goal.”
Nicole Büttner
Founder & CEO Merantix Labs
Digital Leader for Europe at World Economic Forum
Six Key Skills for 2050
These skills are essential in dealing with connective complexity and will shape the life of “Generation Connected” in 2050.
Political and social aspects of governance, communication and interaction of futures societies
How will technologies like artificial intelligence change society and individuals? Pessimists envision dystopian scenarios in which AI rules as a benevolent dictator. The struggle between liberal democracy and repressive authoritarianism will shape the 21st century in the sphere of technology as well. Authoritarian regimes turn into digital dictatorships and liberal political systems become digital democracies. The question is: will western societies continue to disintegrate into digital subcultures and filter bubbles or will they be able to transform themselves into inclusive, connective societies?
The Connective Society of Europe – Five pillars for a sustainable future
Every society needs to decide what to entrust to machines and act accordingly. We still have a choice: We can develop systems with which states and corporations monitor citizens and consumers – or systems that hold governments and companies to account on behalf of citizens. A promising alternative to the global connective chaos of individual states and subcultures as well as digital surveillance capitalism is the design of a European connective society with five central pillars:

37 min 04 s
“Is our society prepared for connectivity? Do we have the resources to maintain our standard of living in 2050?”
Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle
Head of the Research Group IT-Entrepreneurship, Hasso Plattner Institute

35 min 14 s
“In 2050, blended forms of interaction will become normal. We will work in hybrid teams in the workplace.”
Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger
Managing Director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Connectivity 2050:
Five thesis for a connective society
Contributors to this issue were:
Team KALUZA + SCHMID Studio, Daniel Dettling, Benedict Holland, Bogdan Miftakhov, Christian Schuldt, Johannes Sudau, Kristin Wesemann, Janine Zimmermann